Eco and the Ecosystems of Oregon
By Benjamin Cahoon
Location: Siuslaw Public Library
Eco was created by artist Benjamin Cahoon. She can be found dancing in back of the Siuslaw Public Library at 1460 9th Street. Check out over 45 species and creatures hiding in the layers of her ecosystems. Sponsored by the Siuslaw Public Library, who then raised funds to purchase her and give her a permanent home.

Benjamin Cahoon
Project Name: Eco and the Ecosystems
of Oregon
Nickname: Eco
Sponsor and owner: Siuslaw Public Library
Denver, Colorado born student artist, Benjamin Cahoon, now lives with his family of four in Florence. Describing his style as ”Impressionistic Realism”, Cahoon incorporates a variety of natural and urban themes into his artwork.
Currently a junior at Siuslaw High School, Benjamin enjoys trying every medium he can get his hands on. These include but are not limited to charcoal, graphite, acrylic, watercolor, pastels, mixed media, lino cuts, scratchboard, photography, and ceramics. This is the first public art project Benjamin has ever taken on and he hopes it will not be the last. An award winning and published artist, Benjamin Cahoon has had his artwork displayed across Lane County. His work has taken first place honors for the past two years running in the Florence Event Center’s Fresh Impressions. He has also received honorable mentions with his artwork in numerous shows.
A young artist with vision, Cahoon strives to bring out the beauty of people, nature, and the world we live in his works of art, all the while instilling a sense of child-like wonder upon his viewers.